Repos of bpo

This document attempts to capture the repos associated with It is ordered in a rough progression from vanilla upstream to customized bpo.

Roundup - Upstream Code Base

This is the base Roundup project.

Official Sourceforge:

  • Current release on PyPI: 1.6.0
  • Head of master (2.0dev) includes REST, Python 3 support

Mirror on GitHub:

Mirror is kept up-to-date.

Roundup Python - modifications and extensions

Bitbucket Project has several repos containing roundup-python-fork, rietveld, and instances Project Organization:

Roundup - Python fork

Official Python Roundup fork with modifications

This fork of upstream roundup includes the base Roundup project with additional extensions for GitHub integration to PRs, etc.

The diff between the Python fork and Upstream is now relatively small.

Development Bootstrap with Docker

Docker image docker-bpo: